Are your web site visitors clicking on a link and ending up with a dreaded page not found error? Broken links can be a source of frustration for your website visitors and can actually impact your SEO efforts. Sites with a lot of broken links may be considered old and no longer maintained and this… [Read More]
Adding an XML Sitemap to your Website
XML sitemaps are a great tool to help ensure that your entire website gets crawled and indexed by search engines. An XML sitemap is hidden from your website visitors and is different than the sitemap that you provide for website visitors. A visitor sitemap is typically an orderly index of all your pages and is… [Read More]
Preventing Brute Force Attacks
This week one of my client’s WordPress was a victim of a brute force attack. Luckily the client had a good password but the sheer number of login attempts caused the web host to suspend his service because of Terms of Service (TOS) violations. His website was using over 80% of the servers resources and… [Read More]
Making a Mobile Friendly WordPress Website
Tablets, Mobile Phones, Ipods, laptops… There are so many ways your clients can reach your website so it is important that your website looks great on all different types of technology. If you have a WordPress website you have several options for creating a mobile friendly website. There are three basic ways you can create… [Read More]
What Happened to my LinkedIn Applications?!
This week LinkedIn updated my profile page to their new format. They have been rolling out the update for several weeks now, so if your profile hasn’t been updated already, you can expect it to be updated soon. The changes to the profile page give a crisp, clean overview of your professional story. The main… [Read More]