Are your web site visitors clicking on a link and ending up with a dreaded page not found error? Broken links can be a source of frustration for your website visitors and can actually impact your SEO efforts. Sites with a lot of broken links may be considered old and no longer maintained and this… [Read More]
10 Tips for Making Your Blog More Engaging
Your blog can be an excellent tool for marketing your business online, but your blog will only be an effective tool if it is engaging your site visitors. That means your blog will be worthless if it is not being read or if site visitors are not interacting with it in a positive way. In… [Read More]
Understanding Some Important Google Analytic Results
Most website owners have some sort of analytics tracking installed on their website but I find they do not look at the results regularly and quite often they don’t really understand what they mean. In this article I am going to examine a couple important search engine results and what they mean for your website.
Preparing Your Website for the Holidays
Earlier this week I tried to take advantage of an awesome Cyber Monday deal offered by a major retailer but their website was extremely slow loading and I never managed to get the deal. I am talking so slow, it was worse than the slowest dial up internet I can remember. The website server wasn’t… [Read More]
Preparing Your Website for the Holiday Season
Earlier this week I tried to take advantage of an awesome Cyber Monday deal offered by a major retailer but their website was extremely slow loading and I never managed to get the deal. I am talking so slow, it was worse than the slowest dial up internet I can remember. The website server wasn’t… [Read More]
Elements of an Effective Web Design
In my last blog post I pointed out that web professionals know the elements of good web design and will use this knowledge and experience to build you an a truly effective website. I promised to outline the elements that I think make an effective web design, so here they are: Purposeful Design – What… [Read More]
DIY Web Site Nightmares – Why You Need a Professional.
Consider this… … You are starting a new business and decide that instead of renting an office you are going to build one yourself. It can’t be too hard, new houses and buildings pop up seemingly overnight. You think, “If they can do it, surely I can do it too.” Make sense? Of course not! … [Read More]
Is it Time for a Website Redesign?
If you are reading this you are probably aware that it is time to make changes to your website. So how do you determine if you should just make updates to your site or if you are in need of a complete redesign? I have outlined three main factors that can indicate that Band-Aid fixes… [Read More]
How To Choose Images For Your Website
A picture is worth a thousand words or so the saying goes, so how much thought should you put into the pictures you use on your website, blog or e-mail newsletter? Pictures can be great assets to your website, but the wrong picture can create confusion and a poor quality photo can give the impression… [Read More]
Ignore these Web Design Conventions At Your Own Peril
Usability specialist, Jack Krug sums up web usability in the title of his book, “Don’t Make Me Think”. That is the bottom line; do not make it hard for your site visitors to find what they are looking for. The easiest way to that is to ensure your web site conforms to some simple web… [Read More]