Networking and online conversation are becoming critical elements of your online marketing strategy. Most people think of social media discussion when they think of online networking, but successful networking strategy also includes blog commenting.
Blog commenting is an excellent way to position yourself as an expert and to build your brand online. As is the case with other social networking, commenting is most effective when it fosters conversation and is not self-promoting.
Here is a list what WHAT TO DO when commenting on other blogs and sites.
- Do be specific. – Make sure your comments are personalized to the post you are commenting on. Show that you have read the article and have an opinion on it. If the post has helped you explain how or why. Comments like “Great article” are not really beneficial and tend to appear spammy. Something like, “Great article. I have passed along these tips to my boss and we are already implementing some of them on our blog.” is much more relevant and adds value to the discussion. Don’t comment just to comment – make sure that what you are saying contributing to the conversation on the page.
- Do keep it brief – You are not writing a novel. Share your thoughts in a concise and thoughtful way.
- Do use a Gravatar – Many blogs are set up to show avatars with comments so make sure you are building your online brand by having set up a Gravatar.
- Do share your url – Most blogs permit you to include your url when posting a comment. (You share your name, email, url and then comment) When you include your url this way your name will usually become a link to your site. This is a sufficient way to add a link to your site. Only include a link to your site in the actual comments if it in some way relates to the actual blog post. For example, if your site offers an alternative way of doing something or expands on the topic further.
- Do be respectful – Be courteous and polite even when raising contradictory opinions.
- Do stay on topic – Don’t stray from the blog topic when commenting. Keep your comments relevant.
Do you have any other suggestions on proper commenting etiquette? Share them below.