This week I received an inquiry about a website design and the customer indicated that they wanted a 5 page website and they had a budget of $50-100. I take pride in trying to find the best solution for every budget but some people obviously have unreasonable expectations. I felt like telling her that I… [Read More]
Ignore these Web Design Conventions At Your Own Peril
Usability specialist, Jack Krug sums up web usability in the title of his book, “Don’t Make Me Think”. That is the bottom line; do not make it hard for your site visitors to find what they are looking for. The easiest way to that is to ensure your web site conforms to some simple web… [Read More]
Is It Time for a Web Site Redesign?
Ever notice how sometimes a fresh coat of paint can revitalize a room in your house, the same thing is true with your website design. It is easy for small businesses to forget about their web site once it is all up and running. Like all your marketing materials, it is important to keep your… [Read More]
Is the Open for Business Sign Up But The Door Locked?
While getting the mail yesterday I discovered what I assume are moles destroying my front yard. I took to the web to confirm my suspicions and find a solution. In my surfing came a across a website that looked terrible. The site was not displaying properly in Firefox – the header was shifted to the… [Read More]
7 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Website
Many small businesses have the misconception that their business can not benefit from a website. That websites are too expensive or that because they don’t use a computer neither do their potential clients. Here are 7 reasons why your small business NEEDS a website: 1. A web site lends credibility to your small business. Consumers… [Read More]
5 Steps to Creating a Website That Sells!
Creating an effective web site that sells your products or services will be less daunting if you follow these simple steps: 1. Invest in your Website Copy. If you want to create a web site that sells then your first investment should be in your web site content. Your web site is a marketing tool… [Read More]